Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Poop for Mother's day

This past Sunday was Mother's day in Sweden.

Morgan and Elliot made me very cute Mother's day cards at daycare, which I received right after I picked them up on Friday. They had no clue that they had to wait to give me those cards. =)

The past week I was allowed (ahem***) by my hubby to buy some flowers for my mother's day present myself at the flower shop. That is how I came to own those awesome Alliums.

Since we were going to eat dinner at his parent's house, we drove by the flower shop to buy some flowers for his mom. This is where I was able to buy/receive 20 liters of chicken manure for my Peonies. (I mentioned this before on my previous Peony post)

So that is how I got Poop for mother's day.

Oh yeah, Perry Pooped so much poor Kim had to change it for me. It required a plastic bag for the dirty diaper. Another bag for the soiled clothing. A big shower to get Perry clean. Then a wardrobe change.

I love Mother's day. =)

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