Perry likes to take off his diapers. At first I was very excited, because this is the first sign when a child wants to start potting training. Perry is 22 months old, so he is the perfect age to start. But of course this is Perry we are talking about. This child is a slow when it comes to talking. He can only say a handful of words yet, he chooses almost never to use them. When he does try to speak, it sounds all muttled and it is hard to recognize if you are not used to the sounds he makes. Oh yea, you tell him "No" he starts laughing and continues. If you say "come here" he starts laughing and sprints away. You start getting mad and tell him he is a bad boy... he laughs. Weird child.
Anyways, last night as I was trying to get the bath ready. The tap was on, Perry was naked, I was trying to fetch the other boys to come and get ready... and after a few minutes...I find Perry squatting on the bathroom floor, scooping his poop and smearing it with a plastic shovel. I was horrified because it was everywhere! Plus, the tub was already full with hot water, and I didn't want to waste I had to carry Poopy Perry down the stairs to the guest bathroom and hose him down.
Can't wait until summer where he can be naked all the time and run outside to poop. haha!
I think Poopy Perry will be a good nickname for him.
Snyggaste pinnsoffan
5 years ago