Thursday, May 7, 2009


11 months old.

He can now babble some words. Well, sort of?

umma or mamama is mommy.

uh oh...i am assuming it is uh oh? but he says it when he wants something or is having fun?

dadada or bababa is daddy.

hey or hey hey is hello.

He waves and can use a telephone. But I really do think he is behind since Elliot was a walking and talking pro, and Morgan was really good at speaking and doing motions to songs.

Although, Perry has been singing/humming Nonni Nonni since he was 4 months old. He hums it when he is tired and wants to sleep. I guess it is because my mom sang it every night to him when we were visiting.

I should turn my kids into the Hansons. =)

Sorry the pics are blurry. The little bugger won't stay still!!! =)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Buried Treasure

Um, ok...maybe more like digging up roots?

This is Kim's project.
You see those piles of branches? They are actually roots Kim dug up.
There are a few left, and he is scratching his head, trying to figure out how to get them out.

We are also making a nice area for my berries, and flowers. I have a blueberry and two different raspberry bushes. I also have strawberries, dahlias, hydrangeas, lavender, and roses just waiting to get their roots into the ground. =)

Here is the work in progress. It's been really hard since there are roots everywhere from the huge pines trees we removed last year. *sigh*

Oddsies and Caught in the Act

Can someone tell me why I have a basket full of odd pairs of socks?
Where does the other sock go?
They both land in the laundry basket, the same washer.. and yet, *poof* one always disappears. I collect these odd socks hoping one day they will turn up!

This is why I never get anything done.

Rain and Weeds

The past two days it has rained, hence I haven't had so much to write about. We were home for the most part.

The kids are still buggery, and they've been going to daycare in the mornings. Although I am hoping for my grass to grow a bit better because of the rain. I've been waiting it to rain, funny eh? I have so much moss growing on my lawn, that after I treated it, there are huge, brown, dryed out patches. Plus the soil we added to even out and lay new grass seeds, make my backyard look even more pitiful. haha.

My husband thinks I am psychotic, since my OCD tendencies start to shine through. I swear I was a lazy bastard back in the day, but after having kids, and having to work to get the house stay obsession of having things looking proper is ridiculous. I turn into this psychopath who rants and raves how things can't move from the place I left it.

Anyways, here is a perfect example; I went outside with a knife, and was going to pull out weeds. I thought I would start off with the big ones before they start blooming..but after 1 hour, I pulled out all of them. Yes all of them. A whole bucket full. The bizzare part is that I enjoyed doing it. So much so, that I didn't want to stop, and everytime I closed my eye I would see a weed taunting me to kill it! hahahaha

I feel sorry for my husband and what he has married into.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Renovations never end.

This weekend was probably the millionth time my in-laws came and helped out with our renovations. Since they have a hitch on their car, we were able to buy baseboards, boarders for our thresholds, and some stones for our garden. Sunday was a whole day dedicated to setting up all those boarders... and we were able to get it done! Not all of them are nailed in but we got the cutting and measurements right.

So today that will be my project. Gluing and nailing down everything. But I doubt I'll get to it since I have to get my daily chores done.

Thank God the kids are at daycare for 3 hours today. Maybe I can get 2 loads of laundry done if I am lucky. =)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Thursday was Valborg, and it is the last day of April where they burn a huge fire. I thought it was done to show that Spring is really here, by burning old leaves and old tree clippings, but I was wrong. Back in the day when Witching hunting was cool, Sweden was a fellow country that burned them at the stake.

I guess the fire was kept as a tradition and the Witch burning was slowly weaned out. But it was interesting to learn how it still survived after all these years.

Now we celebrate the fire with a semi-carnival. There was traditional Swedish candy, and sometimes they have they games for the children to play.

Unfortunately for me, the flying ashes from the fire landed on Perry's expensive spring jacket and made a nice little hole. Thank God, he didn't get burned while he was napping! But I was really sad that his jacket got ruined. BLAH.

Here are some pics. We went with Morgan's best friend and her family. =)

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