Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sick day Tally.

In 4 weeks, the kids have been home for 3 weeks. 1 week in daycare.
I feel like November and October has just flew by and got wasted, which isn't so bad since winter in Sweden is dark and dreary.

2 weeks of the flu and 1 week with a stomach flu or some kind of food poisoning. I am exhausted and waiting for the sick season to end.

I am longing for December, so Advent can start and we can decorate. Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here, so all the stores are pimped up with Christmas items already. I am planning to sew some fun Christmas themed curtains (which I've never thought was necessary, but lots of people do it here). Christmas is a big deal here, and there is SO MUCH tradition.

I just hope no one will be sick again anytime soon, I am slowly getting grouchy with all my whining babies. haha. Need some Christmas cheer. Or a big fat Turkey.

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