Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Housekeeping Tip #2: Oiling Indoor Furniture

My kitchen table is an unfinished oak table. Every few weeks I have to oil it in with some kind of wood oil treatment. I've bought a few cans before but they cost a good $15 each can. A can can last maybe 3 months?

First of all, I like to be thrifty and use the things I have at home. It is a plus if it is a safe product for the kids.

Olive oil is great! I use it for many different things, but using it to oil down my table works wonders.

Pour the needed amount on the table and just wipe it down with a good paper towel or cloth. I use a nice yellow kitchen sponge since it is easy to clean out and it doesn't waste the oil.

Let the oil settle in over night, or at least a few hours. Then in the morning, wipe it dry with a dry paper towel.

The table will look like new.

Here is a picture of my table soaking in the olive oil.

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