Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Archive for July, 2005

Love and Marriage

Monday, July 4th, 2005

So now that I finally have some friends who are entering the bliss of marriage, I have been asked for some guidance on how life is after the wedding. I calmly reply, “After the first few months, it’s like having a regular roomate.” Then the patience of not complaining of the small frivolous things become unbearable and the time of venting is at hand!

“Pick up your socks. Put the toilet seat down. Put the cap back on the toothpaste!”
And possibly the worst of all, “Stop farting!”

All those little common courtesies become exasperated.

Then come children. I warn you, the first two years of that child’s life are the toughest. Especially because it puts a strain on your relationship. Being tired and cranky, and no time to be lazy, snapping at eachother is a weekly activity. Plus the level of compromise is tested greatly as you find it harder to find time for eachother.

But have no fear, though I make marriage sound terribly scary and risky for a healthy relationship for those who are dating. These hardships is what make life better.

Of course, who would want a bland life? I mean, I wouldn’t.

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