This winter is not only giving Sweden a bad rep, it is really freaking cold! No sunlight, snow covered everything, and all the frost and ice we have to scrape off our cars every morning...I say, it's ENOUGH!
I only have a driveway that fits 1 car, and yet I have this gigantic mountain-like snow pile in front of my door. I can't back the car out of the driveway without freaking out that I'll ram into an on-coming car. A month back I posted a pic with Elliot in front of my snow pile...and now it has doubled in size.
Please Sweden! Start having snow exists and needs to be implemented here! It bad enough my husband had to sit on the commuter train for 3 hours to get to work...but when I can not drive up a hill after dropping Morgan off at school, there is a limit.
OK Spring.. ready when you are... come to me MAMA!!!!!!!
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