Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crocheting is hip

Since I started working more hours and have the kids alone during the weekdays, I have been mentally tired. The day is long, there are so many mundane chores, and I needed a fun outlet. Thanks to a good friend of mine, she willingly showed me how to crochet. I always loved working with my hands, so this was a great opportunity to make some fun stuff, as well as relaxing at the same time.

Did you know I spent hours watching crocheting tutorials on Youtube??? That is when Youtube really fills a purpose, since it is hard to find someone to sit down for several hours and teach me.

I usually crochet at least an hour before I sleep, while the kids are down. After that hour, Elliot always wakes up, then Perry, so it is not much time to get anything else really done.

After making lots of hats that look like ice cream cones, I successfully made 2. Now I am trying to make some doilies which is really awesome. So far I made 6. They are not perfect, but I am very proud of them. I am looking forward to using them for Tea time. So shabby chic. haha!

Next project...making potholders!

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