Monday, March 30, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

I didn't get to enjoy Earth Hour as I would have liked it.
This was the weekend I had to work, so I was exhausted when I got home. My father-in-law was kind enough to come over and help out with our renovation of our floors. He added floor thresholds which were really great!

When I came home I had to stain them into a walnut color since it was a standard oak threshold. We used Danish walnut, and it really blended in nicely with the walnut flooring. The only thing that was a bit irritating was the difference in wood grain, but of course there would be a difference! It is OAK! =)

Sunday was daylight savings in Sweden, so when Earth hour came along at 8:30pm, I was POOPED and I went to bed. So officially, I participated and turned off my lights. =) Too bad I didn't get to see all the lights go off in my neighborhood. I don't think Kim did it, since he was downstairs watching a BIG soccer game.

Aw well. Hopefully it'll be better next year, then we can make a real event out of it. =)

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