Thursday, February 25, 2010

Laminate flooring.

After a total of 2 hours of removing baseboards and moving the furniture in and took an additional 2 hours to click in the new laminate flooring in Perry's bedroom. We found a good laminate that resembles our hardwood floors on the first floor of our house. It took us a year later to continue our flooring projects. Those hardwood floors sucked our budget dry! We figured laminate flooring is a good alternative to the real thing in the bedrooms since there isn't as much wear and tear in those rooms.

I swear those floors are hot...but boy, did my butt hurt afterwards. I was so sore that I felt like an 80 year old. I haven't had this much pain since the first week of Volleyball training of every new season. haha! Jennifer Lopez, watch out! After doing the next 3 rooms, my ass will be HOT!

One thing that is terrible about laminate flooring is the chipping in the corners of the panels. Always buy an extra box of flooring because you will have mistakes and damaged panels. Sucks I know, but that is what you get for budget flooring.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Farmville, for reals.

I love my Avocados, so I am trying to grow my own little tree. I thoroughly searched the web and found the toothpick method, so I am trying it out. I have a few more pits in moist towels in a plastic bag, hoping they will grow roots and germinate.

I also got pineapples and mangoes ready to go. Will post up pics of them soon. Hopefully I will have a tropical rainforest in my living room, but I doubt it, since of the lack of sunlight during the winter here. We'll see how the little project goes.

To be continued...


How can a piece of bread with almond puree and whip cream taste so good? That is a Swedish Semla. There is a special day where we eat these little suckers, and boy...did we pig out. Apparently, in the good old days, Swedes would fast, and these little treats helped break the fasting period. Some people put them in a shallow bowl with some milk, but I haven't tried that yet. I just like the quicker way, by stuffing them in my mouth in a few bites without dropping the whip cream on my lap.

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