Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sick day Tally.

In 4 weeks, the kids have been home for 3 weeks. 1 week in daycare.
I feel like November and October has just flew by and got wasted, which isn't so bad since winter in Sweden is dark and dreary.

2 weeks of the flu and 1 week with a stomach flu or some kind of food poisoning. I am exhausted and waiting for the sick season to end.

I am longing for December, so Advent can start and we can decorate. Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here, so all the stores are pimped up with Christmas items already. I am planning to sew some fun Christmas themed curtains (which I've never thought was necessary, but lots of people do it here). Christmas is a big deal here, and there is SO MUCH tradition.

I just hope no one will be sick again anytime soon, I am slowly getting grouchy with all my whining babies. haha. Need some Christmas cheer. Or a big fat Turkey.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The quest of a dry bed

Day 1.

It is a disaster!

5pm Last drink of water.
8pm Peed in his lined nappy pants. LOTS
10pm Peed. (In the toilet since he refused to sleep in his bed. He knew tonight was different and couldn't sleep)
1am Peed in his Nappy pants again in bed. Kim tired and exhausted, put on pull up diapers.
8am Elliot woke up, and his diaper is wet.

Where does all the liquid come from????

Swine flu vaccine under age 3.

On Sunday I went to take Perry to get his Swine flu vaccination. They offer it once a week in my town, since the supply is low and they are trying to be fair by giving it out in batches. Apparently the week before it was chaotic since people waited in line for hours to get the shot. This Sunday I thought I would be smart since there were only 500 shots, so I went to the clinic 1 hour early. To my surprise, there were hundreds of people already there. The line was so long, that it curved around the mall. Did I mention it was raining too?

I stood on line for almost an hour when someone asked me if Perry was getting vaccinated. Apparently, the information was wrong on the internet and they were not vaccinating children under 3 since they had no life saving devices if something went wrong. No one was informed and there were only families with small children there. I was pissed. They could have put up a sign.

It's almost like watching a bad movie...people are starting to panic here since there are not enough vaccine to go around and many families with children are still not vaccinated yet.

The thing that pisses me even more off, is that we already got our shot, but at the time, kids under 3 couldn't get it. Now a week later, they changed their mind. Today I read the paper and they are discussing it over, that maybe it is not safe. What the hell???

Monday, November 16, 2009

Housekeeping Tip #10: Bleeding laundry

If you got a new pair of jeans, or a nice red sweater, and you don't want to waste water and energy by washing it separately. You can use salt so the color won't bleed out. In general you can use salt for all bright colored clothing, or just your regular color load.

Add it to you detergent when you put it in the washer. I use about 1-3 tablespoons depending on the size of the load.

The salt will also help clearing out the chalk in the water in your machine. Chalk build up does suck, and kills your washer... so use a little salt once in a while to keep it kicking!

Haircuts and a dry night.

My little boys started to look like little shaggy hippies, so I cut their hair on Saturday night. It took me 1 hour to do all three, which is pretty good. But Perry refused to cut his hair! It came down to the fact that Kim had to hold his head and I was rushing with the buzzer trying to make the cut as even as possible. It was insane.

After I was done, I had to sweep up so much hair. I cut about 3-4 inches on each kid, so you can imagine how messy my floors were, and how long it took to clean it all up. 3 days later and I am still finding hair clippings in my kitchen.

Tonight I will attempt (AGAIN) to train Elliot to be dry throughout the whole night. He is almost 4 and is still bed wetting. Since I have 3 kids and a lack of sleep, I haven't really had the energy to force him to be dry either. So now, I have dumped that responsibility to Kim. It really is a good thing, since he comes home around Midnight from work, so he can easily dump Elliot on the toilet.

I am gonna keep my fingers crossed and hope he will be dry till Christmas. =)
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