Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We just got vaccinated for the Swine Flu yesterday.
It is now available for the general public. The past few weeks it was available for those in the high risk group, and in many districts, it is already out of stock.

Thank goodness for socialism in Sweden. We paid $0 for the vaccine.

Apparently, there is discussion if we all have to take the shot twice. Getting it just once might not be strong enough.

So far, the side effects that we are experiencing after 12 hours are sore arms from the area the shot was taken. Feels like I lifted way too many weights. HAHA

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Swine flu???

The kids have been sick the past week with:

a high 2 day fever
loss of appetite

after those symptoms got better, they were left with coughing, runny nose, and sore throats.
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